Sunday 21 August 2016

The Messiah’s Secret – Today’s unemployment in UK

Matthew 20: 1-16.
In the news last week the latest government unemployment figures were released, the Job less total fell by 52,000 to 1.64 million. Most people were expecting the unemployment to rise after Brexit, but it wasn’t the case.

On the BBC News website, I quote, “Howard Archer of IHS Global Insight said that the UK economy showed "impressive resilience in the run-up to the EU referendum and the immediate aftermath of the vote to leave".

“Hargreaves Lansdown economist Ben Brettell said  "The dramatic fall in confidence may not ultimately be borne out by activity, and today's claimant count number is a tentative sign that things might not turn out as bad as many predicted.”
We haven’t heard much about this news in the Media.

Unlike the news beginning of this year as a result of the Chinese economy slowing down, and flooded the world markets with steel. The Guardian Newspaper reported in May, “A spokesman for the European Community trade union said that unfairly traded Chinese steel was still hurting UK and European steel producers.”
The effects on the British Steel industry led to a thousand and fifty redundancies at Tata Steel Works in Wales.

Were redundancies occur it’s based on last in, first out, starting from the most recently employed person till the required number is reached.

We can liken these people in Wales to those in the parable who were in the Market place at 6am looking for work and were taken on as labourers in the Vineyard for a denarius a day. 

The hours of the day in the parable represent a person’s life time and the denarius represents salvation. Those who had repented and accepted Jesus as their Saviour.

At the Rawtenstall (CAP)Job club on Tuesday we had five people on the course three of them have been made redundant, and two others who were present also have experienced redundancy.

Redundancy affects the whole family, often with devastating consequences on a person’s self esteem and in the long term suffering hardship. Even if mum has a part time job, after the redundancy money runs out benefits don’t cover the costs to clothe and feed the family.
Some are dependent upon the Food Bank RAFT helping them out and I heard recently that the RAFT Food Bank were running out of food in Rossendale.  

Being unemployed and competing for jobs can be demoralising, this were the Job Club comes into its own. The work is supported by prayer and the commitment to help the poor in both spirit and need to help them overcome their lack of confidence and motivation and to bring Christ’s values into the Job Club Market Place.

The course’s aim is to bring to the fore the achievements, qualities and strengths. For example arranging a birthday party: choosing the venue, the choice of menu, the DJ. Making a list of who to invite and sending the invitations out. A person has to be organised, reliable, outgoing and enthusiastic. Meet a deadline, make decisions, planning ahead and write the invitations.
 Also it’s about building relationships within the group to support each other. I would like to thank those from our fellowship who help and those who present the sessions.

Like the Landowner in the parable who employed all who came into the Market place looking for work and so the Job Club is open to all comers and the good news Mr Ali who joined us on the second week of the course has now found employment, we shall miss him and will continue to hold him up in prayer.

The importance of finding an employer who doesn’t exploit their workforce: by cheap labour and bad working conditions. People who run companies like this reflect their own life choices, like that of the world, and as scriptures states, “The end of those things, “The wages of sin is death.” Romans 6: 23.

Whereas, finding a good employer whose values on pay and conditions are reflected in this parable  Instead of deducting pay for the labourers who had worked for less than a day, he shows good faith towards them, investing in them giving them all the same wage.                                                       
But we understand some saw the Landowner as being unfair.

Values in Christ’s Vineyard, God was going to be generous to them and give them all  ‘the first and the last’ the same.

We see this worked out at the crucifixion were the thief on the cross,  whose life of service was limited to a moment of repentance and confession of faith in Jesus.

He received the same pay a denarius, ‘salvation’ as the apostles.

Everyone who comes to the Job Club has a need to be loved for themselves, and behind the struggle to be part of the world values, there is a soul crying out to find the Saviour’s love, to be part of his workforce and the values we share. 

Sunday 17 July 2016

The Messiah's Secret - Jesus God's Son
Luke 9: 28-36. Colossians 1: 9-26.

Theme series: The Existence of God - God the Father - Jesus the Son of God - God the Holy Spirit

Last week Rev Chris Casey spoke on the doctrine of God the Father. He gave us three headings: care, compassion and commitment.
We encounter a God who cares, a Father who sees his children from both as a mother and a father. He pointed to the scriptures that captures the maternal side of God. “As a mother comforts her child, so I will comfort you, you shall be comforted in Jerusalem “ Isaiah 66: 13.
The compassion of God in a Father’s love sent His Son into the world to die in order to save us and bring us home like the forgiveness in Jesus’ parable ‘The Prodigal Son and thirdly God’s commitment to us, in His love, like the love of a Father that disciplines His child to keep them on the right path.

This week we are looking at the doctrine of Jesus the Son of God
Jesus the second person of the Trinity and of one substance with the Father.

The Second  of the 39 Articles of Religion Doctrines of Church of England
The Son which is the Word of the Father, begotten from everlasting of the Father, the very and eternal God, and one of substance with the Father, took man’s nature in the womb of the blessed virgin, of her substance, so that two whole and perfect natures, that is to say, the Godhead and manhood, were joined together in the one person, never to be divided, whereof is one Christ, very God, and very man; who truly suffered, was crucified, dead, and buried, to reconcile his Father to us, and to be a sacrifice, not only for original guilt, but also for all actual sins of men.

The Son the Word of the Father
John the apostle identified Jesus as the Word. John wrote in his gospel Chapter 1: 1 “In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God.” the Word  brought forth life

 It’s no co-incidence in Genesis Moses wrote, “And God said ‘Let there be light’ and there was light. And God said, ‘Let there be a vault between the waters and let it separate the waters from the waters. And so, 'God said'  at the beginning of each day,His Word brought forth life.  Genesis 1: 3 -31.
The writer of Hebrews 1: 5.”God’s Son upholding the universe by the power of his Word.” The universe has natural laws: it takes the earth a year to travel around the sun and a month for the moon to travel around the earth, they are in a fixed orbit and so proving the existence of a supreme deity, God.

John also wrote that his followers had handled the ‘Word of Life.’
1 John 1: 2 
So therefore, Jesus is God’s Word clothed in the flesh
At his word Jesus commanded the storm to cease, the elements responded to his command and at his word he recreated the flesh of the lepers and other miracles and healing.
God gave the people evidence at the Transfiguration that Jesus is His Son,
The presence of Moses’ would confirm that it was God’s audible voice they heard.  We read in Exodus 19: 9,
 “And Moses reported the words of the people to the Lord. And the Lord said to Moses, “Lo, I am coming to you in a thick cloud, that the people may hear when I speak with you, and may also believe you for ever.” What they heard, verse 19 “the sound of the trumpet grew louder and louder, Moses spoke and God answered him in a voice.” NIV Bible
Elijah’s presence at the Transfiguration
Jesus in conversation with Elijah and Moses was heard to speak of his departure at Jerusalem, his death, resurrection and his ascension into heaven. Elijah was translated into heaven on a whirlwind,
 When the disciples made it known what they had seen and heard  God speaking in an audible voice, "This is my Son, whom I have chosen; listen to Him," combined with Moses’ and Elijah’s  presence would bring many to believe that Jesus is God’s Son.

Jesus Word in us is one of our great strengths, we find in his Word, wisdom and understanding that touches our everyday life. We should speak his words into all our situations, whether it’s illness, tensions, accusations or when we are full of Joy. Be still and know that I am God.” “Do not be afraid,” When your in a fix turn to Philippians 4: 6 “Have no anxiety about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.” “All things are possible to them that believe.”

Godhood and manhood joined together in the one person
The Son of God being born of a woman, Mary the mother of Jesus giving him his human nature, her substance.
But life is in the blood and I believe that Jesus’ genes that produced his blood came from God His Father. Leviticus 17: 11 Jesus’  blood had no imperfections 
It took the perfect blood of God’s Son Jesus to satisfy the legal requirements of the law.
Hebrews 9: 14 “How much more, then, will the blood of Christ, who through the eternal Spirit offered himself unblemished to God, cleanse our consciences from acts that lead to death, so that we may serve the living God!

Just as God acts upon Jesus’ words he also acts upon his blood, His life laid down to be the final sacrifice under Jewish Law for the forgiveness of sin.
The parallel between the function of our blood in our body and the blood of Jesus saving us from sin, is  amazing. Our blood circulates around our bodies sustaining life in us.

A single red cell collects oxygen from the lungs and offloads it to a single tissue  giving energy and heat to the tissue, the red cell then  takes from the tissue waste and disposes of it through the lungs.
Through faith in the blood of Jesus, the love of God powerfully transforms our nature and takes away our sin, like the waste from the tissue.

The Article speaks of being one substance
Jesus prayer 20 “My prayer is not for them alone. I pray also for those who will believe in me through their message, 21 that all of them may be one, Father, just as you are in me and I am in you. May they also be in us so that the world may believe that you have sent me.” John 17: 20, 21.


The love of the Father lubricates the soul and transforms it.
The Son cleanses and removes the stains of guilt and sin and reconciles us to His Father.
The Holy Spirit  by enabling us to overcome temptations, therefore, prevents sin.

When the soul has been transformed, its' nature changes. The will and the mind conform to the new nature. Under law the soul is trained to comply to God's laws. Under grace the soul feels how God feels about sin, the law is written in the heart.

"When a (Christian) Gentiles who have not the law do by nature what the law requires, they are a law to themselves, even though they do not have the law. They show what the law requires is written upon their hearts, while their conscience also bears witness and their conflicting thoughts accuse or perhaps excuse them on that day when, according to my gospel, God judges the secrets of men by Christ Jesus. Romans 2: 4-16.                                            
At the transfiguration Jesus’ countenance changed.
In our reading Luke records that the disciples Peter, James and John saw a change in the person of Jesus, The appearance of his countenance was altered.
They also witnessed a change in Jesus countenance after his resurrection.
I’ve witnessed many times seeing in ordinary Christians their countenance change when they shared with me their faith.

When a person comes to faith in Jesus their countenance changes: a brightness appears on the face which brightens up their whole appearance. A radiant smile that speaks of a transformed heart God’s Son presence within having been translated into His kingdom. The disciples had a glimpse into God’s dimension at the Transfiguration.

And so it’s by simple faith that we believe that Jesus is God’s Son, and God will confirm this truth to us 

Monday 4 July 2016

The Messiah’s Secret – The Existence of God

Earth is part of the bigger picture of the universe.
We notice that the sun, moon and the earth have fixed orbits, it takes the earth a year to orbit around the sun and it takes a month for the moon to orbit the earth.

On the left the orbits of the earth, sun and moon
Do we know why this important to us - Life on earth depends on this for its seasons to grow crops.

It is not by chance scientist have discovered how these natural laws work governing the universe

 It took the Rosetta spaceship 10 years to reach the meteor, the achievement was described as like ‘a fly landing on a speeding bullet’.
The nuclear energy being used enabled it to increase its speed so as not to be pulled by gravity into the orbit of a planet. (nuclear energy only used in long distance space exploration.)
The spaceship was named after the Rosetta stone, because archaeologists discovered how to translate the meaning of hieroglyphs; on the stone the same words written in three languages: Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphs, Demotic scrip and Ancient Greek.

Scientist make discoveries about the things that have been created by a supreme deity. In our reading this morning verse 20 “Ever since the creation of the world, his invisible nature, namely his eternal power and deity, has been clearly perceived in the things that have been made.”

When Einstein split the atom he discovered nuclear energy.
Eric Sauer, in his book, “The King of the Earth” page 42 “What an abundance of energy is hidden in every gram of matter, in every fragment of stone, in every piece of wood.” The atoms when dematerialised into fuel, nuclear energy, a single gram in a car could travel 400 times around the world.
“Two hundred truck loads of coal have the same calorific value as one gram of dematerialised matter.”
We use nuclear fuel in our power stations and in defence as a nuclear deterrent.

If we look at the picture on the left we can see the different layers that surround the earth.
The Troposphere – where we live
The Stratosphere – this is the ozone layer which is a naturally occurring gas that filters the sun's ultraviolet radiation. 
The Mesosphere – where meteors and obsolete satellites burn up.  Travelling at speed, the friction causes the air in front of the object to compress and heat up rapidly, in some cases to temperatures can reach more than 3,000°F!
The Thermosphere – where the International Space Station and satellites orbit the earth. The Aurora Borealis refers to the Northern Lights.
The Exosphere a thin outer layer that is the beginning of outer space

.It’s not by chance that these layers are in this particular order they have been fixed in position by God.
 Moses wrote, “In the beginning God made heaven and the earth”. Moses had his encounter with God in the burning bush and like Moses when we meet God we come to know the existence God

Chorus -  Indescribable God on DVD  ( Music Leader)
From the highest of heights to the depths of the sea
Creation's revealing your majesty
From the colours of fall to the fragrance of spring
Every creature unique in the song that it sings
All exclaiming

Indescribable, uncontainable
You placed the stars in the sky and you know them by name
You are amazing God
All powerful, untameable
Awestruck we fall to our knees as we humbly proclaim
You are amazing God

6 months ago Tim Peake and Tim Kopra left earth on a Soviet Rocket to join the International Space Station that is orbiting the earth.

Once the astronauts left the atmosphere of the earth they enter into a different world, its environment having no gravity, causing weightlessness so their bodies floated, and space is very cold.
The Station has all the facilities air and food etc. When they went outside the space station they wore their spacesuit to protect them from the harmful effects of radiation in space. 

A young boy wore a spacesuit.

The return to earth

The Module enters the Mesosphere

On their return to earth in the Soyuz Module was protected by the metal that can withstand these high temperatures. I wonder how hot they were inside the module.

A parachute opened to slow down their decent to the earth.

 It took a few days for their bodies to recover from being in that different world.

This breaking through the heat barrier reminds us of how Jesus broke through the barrier of death that separated us from God. And how we discover the God of all creation, I remember making that discovery and feeling part of the wider creation.

In Jesus we see the existence of God.
In Paul’s letter to Titus Paul interchanges the references to God as Saviour and our Great God and Saviour Jesus Christ. Titus 1: 10, 13.

We can understand that God embraces the whole of the universe

Scientist Eric Sauer wrote, “All creation radiates in its own fullness of life and yet at the same time living and moving in God.
In a harmonious rhythm of degrees and ranks, in an organic unity of acons and spheres, the whole cosmos is a great symphony of indescribable beauty and eternal harmony.
 A mighty organism of the most differing worlds bound together in all its parts by the same creative concept.

The whole universe is a ceaseless song of praise, a psalm of creation displaying millions of variations, yet bound together by the same basic theme. “For of Him and through Him and unto Him are all things. To Him be the glory forever. Amen.” Romans 11: 16 

Monday 27 June 2016

Fasting and Prayer

The UK Referendum
 If you feel that you want to help our nation at this time, then join me in a day of prayer.

 “If my people who are called by my name humble themselves, and pray and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land.” 2 Chronicles 7: 14.

Heavenly Father, 
we pray for our nation and say sorry for the things that have been said and done that have grieved your Holy Spirit over the last weeks and months by the leaders of our nation and people in order to sway their arguments of whether to stay or leave the European Union. Please forgive us all our sins and we turn to you for your guidance.

We fast for the greater good of others, and not to get our own way. Isaiah 58:3
Praying for a particular need and the things that surround that situation.
Talking to God as you would to a close friend, i find using scripture for guidance helps.

Drink plenty of fluids during the fast, for people who have health problems maybe feel that they should only fast for a short period, and that’s okay, the Lord understands. But carrying on with prayer is important till we feel the Holy Spirit telling us to ease off.

“Rejoice in the lord always; again I will say, Rejoice. . . . Have no anxiety about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.” Philippians 4:4, 6.
Playing music or singing in between prayer I really enjoy, my spirit soars with heartfelt praise.

Lord Jesus, May your concerns be ours and help us Holy Spirit to pray as you lead us. Thank you Lord that you hear our prayers and answer them according to your will. In Jesus’ name.

Sunday 19 June 2016

The Messiah’s Secret – Jesus Walking in His Father’s Foot steps

Father’s Day

A young man had just got his driver’s licence and inquired of his father, if they could discuss the use of the car. His father said to him, “If you study your Bible a little, and get your hair cut and we’ll talk about the car.”
Well, the young man thought about it and decided he’d settle for the offer. After about a month he came back to his father again and asked about the car. His father said, “Son I’ve noticed that you have been studying your Bible, but I’m disappointed that you haven’t cut your hair.
The young man paused for a moment and then said, “You know dad, I’ve been thinking about that and I’ve noticed in my studies of the Bible that Samson had long hair, Moses  had long hair, John the Baptist had long hair, and there’s a strong argument that Jesus himself had long hair.”
His father replied, “Your right, son. Did you also notice that they walked everywhere they went?”

The feet represent Jesus Walking in His Father’s Footsteps

Matthew records in his Gospel of Mary being the fulfilment of the prophecy “Behold, a young woman shall conceive and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel” and Matthew tells us the circumstances from Joseph’s perspective showing us how he reacted when he found out Mary was having a baby that wasn’t his.                            

He didn’t rant and rave in anger with Mary, but  being an honourable man he didn’t want her to suffer publically on his account, so he decided to quietly annul the marriage contract, under Jewish law  he was legally betrothed to Mary. 

Most men’s first reaction would be to feel betrayed and their love filled with humiliation which can devastate the soul, leave an open wound that can become septic with great pain. You may know someone who is going through a marriage breakup, and can relate to the consequences of it.                                         

We read that while Joseph was deliberating about this, God spoke to him in a dream that revealed that God was the Father of Mary’s child and he was encouraged by God to be his earthly father. God wanted Jesus to have a dad

Following in Joseph, his adopted father’s footsteps 
The eldest son taking on his father’s occupation of carpentry.

 "He began to teach in the synagogue, and many who heard him were amazed. "Where did this man get these things?" they asked. What's this wisdom that has been given to him, that he even does miracles! Isn't this the carpenter? Isn't this Mary's son and the brother of James, Joseph, Judas and Simon? Aren't his sister's here with us." Mark 6: 2, 3                 
Up to the age of 30 he made his living as a carpenter, the difference between a joiner and a carpenter: a  joiner makes the product that the carpenter installs it into a building: like windows, doors, he also would probably make: tables chairs and other items of every day use.                                                           
Following in His heavenly Father’s footsteps, God taught Jesus the scriptures 
At the age of twelve Jesus spoke of being in his father’s house, the temple at Jerusalem. The scribes and teachers of the law were amazed at his knowledge and understanding of the scriptures and as I’ve just read in Mark’s Gospel. Luke 2: 47. 

Jesus knew that he was God’s Son.
We tend to think of two separate people Father and Son, but Jesus was spiritually part of God himself.  Hence the name Emmanuel – God with us
Jesus said that he and his Father were one, and His own followers found it hard to understand. I think Philip was challenging Jesus when he asked him to show him the Father.
Jesus replied, “Have I been with you so long, and yet you do not know me, Philip? He who has seen me has seen the Father, How can you say, ‘show us the Father?’
How often do we say, “Doesn’t he look like his Father.”  But no one could describe God, the Jews had no statues or images of God in their temple. 

Jesus went on to say to Philip                                                                                       
“ Do you not believe that I am in the Father and the Father in me? The words that I say to you I do not speak on my own authority; but the Father who dwells in me does his works. Believe me that I am in the Father and the Father in me; or believe me for the sake of the works themselves.” John 14 : 8-11.  
So Jesus was following in the footsteps of his Father and he only said and did what he heard from his  heavenly Father. His words were backed up by actions, the miracles, healing and the raising of the dead. Jesus would say to the person, “Have you faith that I can do this?” 

Jesus gave Philip and us a promise, “Truly, truly I say to you he who believes in me will also do the works I do; and greater works than these will he do, because I go to the Father. Whatever you ask in my name, I will do it, that the Father may be glorified in the Son; if you ask anything in my name I will do it.” John 14: 12-14.          

Visual Aids FAITH the word placed on the footprint.
In our reading Joseph after having the dream responded in faith and it confirmed what Mary had probably told him about Archangel Gabriel’s  visit telling her she conceive would have God’s Son and to call him Jesus and together they would have peace in their heart.

And it is by faith in Jesus that we enter into God’s rest. We believe that Jesus came into the world to fulfil God’s purposes and plan to save all humanity from sin against God and as God raised Jesus from the dead( death is a the result of sin), because he was born of God, death had no dominion over him.
For us by simply believing that Jesus took our place on the cross dying for our sin we receive God’s peace and we come to know God as our Father, so to all who believe in him are saved by Grace.

Grace word placed on the other footprint.
"For whoever enters God's rest also ceases from their labours as God did from His." Hebrews 4: 10
Entering into God's rest means that we cannot earn by good works what Jesus has done for us on the cross, we can only receive it and enter into God's rest which is Salvation.
As a result we are blessed with every spiritual blessings in heavenly places. Confirming Jesus' word, Whatever you ask in my name, I will do it, that the Father may be glorified in the Son, if you ask anything in my name I will do it." Ephesians 1: 3. John 14: 13, 14.

JESUS’  NAME Joseph and Mary were asked to name him Jesus. Hebrew ‘Yeshua’ the name  means – The Lord’s Salvation     

Peter and John prayed for the paralytic man at gate beautiful, Peter said to him, “Silver & gold I haven’t got to give you, but in the name of Jesus of Nazareth ‘Rise up and walk.’  Peter took him by the hand and the man rose to his feet and began to leap about, he was so filled with joy.
So we follow taking hold of his promise- in faith pray in his name and Jesus intercedes to his and our Father for us.

God is our Father and in Jesus we share God’s love, his compassion, humility, kindness, generosity, friendship, faithfulness, his word, his victory, his joy and peace to all who we meet as we journey through this life. Amen

Sunday 29 May 2016

The  Messiah’s  Secret – Adopted  Children  of  God

"To redeem those under the law, so we might receive adoption as sons and because you are his sons, God has sent the Spirit of his Son into our hearts, crying, "Abba Father!" Galatians 4: 5, 6. Sons and daughters, children of God.

I  started writing this blog at 5.30am this morning (Sunday) I was given the word ‘Adopted into the family of God.’  

Many thousands of children go through the adoption process that legally unites them into a family and are entitled to all the benefits like that of the other children in the family.

The other children in the family of God
In Paul’s letter to the Ephesians he reminded the Jews and Gentile that Jesus Christ had broken down the barriers between them.     
Remember that at that time you were separate from Christ, excluded from citizenship in Israel and foreigners to the covenants of the promise, without hope and without God in the world. 13 But now in Christ Jesus you who once were far away have been brought near by the blood of Christ.   14 For he himself is our peace, who has made the two groups one and has destroyed the barrier, the dividing wall of hostility, 15 by setting aside in his flesh the law with its commands and regulations. His purpose was to create in himself one new humanity out of the two, thus making peace,   16 and in one body to reconcile both of them to God through the cross, by which he put to death their hostility. 17 He came and preached peace to you who were far away and peace to those who were near.18 For through him we both have access to the Father by one Spirit. 19 Consequently, you are no longer foreigners and strangers, but fellow citizens with God’s people and also members of his household.” NIV Bible                                                                    
Paul had the revelation of the meaning of the cross, a mystery, not revealed until after the dispersion through persecution of which Paul had been a major figure in rounding up followers of ‘The Way’ and taking them bound to Jerusalem. Acts 9: 2. 3: 1-6.
At the beginning the apostles and followers found it confusing during this transition period, but without doubt they expected Jesus to return soon after Pentecost.

The Messiah’s Secret Revealed   (For the last 20 years this word has filled my heart)
The time for the leaders of the nation of Israel to accept Jesus as their Messiah, a national calling, was at and after Pentecost.
Peter said, “This Jesus, delivered up according to the definite plan and foreknowledge of God, you crucified and killed by the hands of lawless men (Romans).” It was in the foreknowledge and plan of God that the Messiah would be the final sacrifice for the sins of the whole world. 
Peter and John spoke of their leaders and people’s ignorance in allowing the Romans to crucify their appointed Messiah. “You acted in ignorance . . . . Repent therefore that your sins may be blotted out . . . .and that he may send the Christ (Messiah) appointed for you, Jesus.”
Paul on their first ministry tour at Antioch of Pisida said, “For those who live in Jerusalem and their rulers, because they did not recognise him or understand the utterances of the prophets which are read every Sabbath, fulfilled these by condemning him.” Paul went on to tell about the resurrection and King David’s prophecy concerning the resurrection of the Christ being fulfilled. 
There at Antioch of Pisida the Gentiles were eager to hear the good news and be filled with the promised Holy Spirit. Paul came up against Jewish opposition, Paul and Barnabas witnessed boldly saying, “It was necessary that the word of God should be spoken first to you.. . . . behold we turn to the Gentiles.” Acts 13: 27, 46.

Even Peter found some of Paul's teaching in his letters hard to understand. 2 Peter 3: 15, 16.
Gentiles being adopted into the family of God becoming children of God was a hard thing for Peter to accept, even though he had stepped out in faith when he visited the Gentile Cornelius and shared with the whole family and close friends about the ministry, death and resurrection of Jesus  and experiencing the Holy Spirit filling their lives. Later he also experienced the wrath of the Circumcision Party over his visit to Cornelius' home, 'he ate with them'. Acts 10: 24, 34-43. 11: 3.

Paul’s conversation with the apostles and elders at Jerusalem the Holy Spirit gave them guidance James the Lord’s brother sent out a letter to the churches with Gentile converts in Antioch and Syria to make peace between them by putting some restrictions on what they ate and their moral behaviour. 

Paul understood the importance of being adopted into the family of God through the new birth in Christ. The natural person acts upon reasoning things out with the logical mind, being born into the world through human ascent. Where Paul spoke of a new birth in the Spirit of God through faith in Jesus' death, resurrection and ascention. The new birth unites us in a family relationship knowing God as our Father and as adopted members we are entitled to all the blessings that God has prepared for his children.

God created faith as part of us: people exercise putting their faith in many things it is common to a lot of people:
My daughters learnt to swim using at first water wings to keep them afloat. At some point they took a step of faith and removed their water wings and as a result found they could stay afloat without them.
The man in the TV ad made preparations to have a bar-b-cue even though it was raining he believed the weather forecast that it would be fine in the afternoon and so he watched and waited for the blue sky to appear and sure enough it did and the sun came out.

Faith is to believe that Jesus has made us right with God, not by the good works we might do but by God's love.

John the Apostle wrote, “But to all who received him, who believe in his name, he gave power to become children of God; who were born not of blood nor of the will of the flesh nor of the will of man, but of God.” John 1: 12, 13. RSV Bible

God has graciously adopted us Gentiles the other nation into a new covenant that embraces all humanity. The Bible speaks of there only being two nations: Jews and Gentiles).

Sunday 15 May 2016

The Messiah’s Secret Revealed -  Pentecost

The Church celebrates Pentecost because of what happened on that day 2,000 years ago when Jesus sent God’s Holy Spirit into the world.

Acts 2: 1- 21
We read that the disciples of Jesus where gathered at a house in Jerusalem, in a room, a confined space when they heard the sound of a mighty rushing wind coming into where they were.

The fan blowing the material is using electricity to rotate blades that causes the air to blow. 

The same effect is produces by the hand held fan.
The difference between wind of the Holy Spirit, and the wind blowing through the fan.  Air pressure creates the movement of air that produces the wind  that can blow the curtains, and papers on desks.                                                         
Whereas, the wind of the Holy Spirit flows out from God and is filled with God’s presence, the third person of the Trinity, the Holy Spirit.         

The Apostles heard the sound of a strong wind, maybe they felt the wind on their faces, and clothes. In verse 4 we read that they were filled with the Holy Spirit. 

My friend Joyce had an amazing experience of the Holy Spirit giving her a vision. She felt the wind suddenly blow up, but nothing was moving, no sound of the rustling of leaves in the trees.

Joyce wrote down her testimony for me to share:

She writes, “First I would like to explain that I finally had forgiven someone, I mean truly forgiven. A few days later I was walking along the disused railway in Helmshore with our dogs. It was a pleasant day, very still. I felt a wind blow up, but nothing was moving. I saw in front of me a life size Jesus on the cross. He was dead, his body grey, stone like, I couldn’t bear to look, I turned away. I felt all the wrong that I had done being taken away from me, but I didn’t want him to, because I physically felt the pain that I had caused him. I felt ashamed and started crying.  
The next minute I felt a presence next to me. I wasn’t sure if it was Jesus or God, but I couldn’t see anyone. All the weight I had been carrying inside had been taken away. I felt so happy, so clean. Everywhere was so beautiful, the colours were so bright, I had never seen colour like it before.”                                                          

I have to say, not many people see a vision of Jesus when they come to faith in Jesus.

A vision is a visual view of what is going on in the heavenly places, the spiritual dimension. Joyce saw in her vision what happens when everybody comes to faith in Jesus were he deals with our sin on the cross.

Joyce had forgiven someone for whatever they had done against her. Jesus said you must forgive, and then God will forgive you. Many people say that they are unable to forgive the things that someone has done against them, they still bear the pain of their injury. Jesus is our example and while he was injured dying on the cross he forgave those who stood against him, for whatever their reason.   Luke 17: 4.                                                                                   
Even though Joyce had forgiven this person she was not a Christian.

The Holy Spirit’s ministry convicts the world of unbelief, righteousness of God, and judgement.

Joyce found faith in Jesus through the Holy Spirit showing her the vision of Jesus dead on the cross, taking her sin of unbelief and all that stood between her and God, sin and its causes, she personally received forgiveness from God.

Joyce must have felt the righteousness of God when she felt ashamed and the feeling of being clean, released from the weight of her sin in forgiveness and being raised up in the power of his resurrection, her righteousness being in Jesus before God.

God had a given to her a free pardon, judged her no longer under a sentence of eternal separation from God.

So this is what happens when a person calls on the name of the Lord, Jesus takes our sin upon himself and raises us up in his resurrection

If you are wanting to get right with God and be filled with the Holy Spirit then say with me this prayer:

Lord Jesus Christ,      
l am sorry for the things l have done wrong in my life. 
I ask for your forgiveness    
Thank you for dying for me on the cross,  
to set me free from my sins. 
Please come into my life and fill me with your Holy Spirit.                                                                  
Thank you Jesus. Amen

The following below was added when writing this blog.

The church came into being at Pentecost fanning the words of the good news of Jesus’ resurrection and the pouring out of God’s Spirit. 

The church as we know it today has been hidden in the scriptures:  "The Lord said, "Call his name, not my people, for you are not my people and I am not your God." Hosea 1: 9. 2: 23
Peter quoted this verse in Hosea in his first letter to Jew and Gentile converts when he spoke of being a holy nation and Jesus being the corner stone. 1 Peter 2: 10.  Romans 9: 19-26.

In Acts 1: 6, 7 the disciples asked Jesus, "Lord are you at this time going to restore the kingdom to Israel?" Jesus replied, "It is not for you to know the times or the dates the Father has set in his own authority." Perhaps the disciples had remembered the parable of the 'Vineyard.'

The church being the other nation that Jesus referred to in his conversation with the Scribes and the chief priests concerning the Vineyard where Jesus quoted " The very stone that the builders rejected has become the head of the corner". "Therefore I tell you, the kingdom will be taken away from you and given to a nation to produce the fruit of it." 
Matthew 21: 42-46.  

The disciples of the early church were expecting Jesus to return soon after Pentecost and bring in God's kingdom. Jesus himself had indicated that he hoped to return with the holy angels and some of the people standing listening to him who would not see death before they saw the kingdom had come in power. Mark 8: 38, 9: 1. 

Peter addressing the crowd in Solomon's Portico said that the nations leaders and people now had the opportunity to acknowledge that the Christ had to suffer according to the prophesies and be raised from the dead, then God would blot out their sins and bring in the times of refreshing and send the appointed, Jesus. Acts 3: 17: 21. Luke 24: 44-48. 
A clear indication that Jesus hoped to return soon after Pentecost. He also knew that he would remain in heaven until all his enemies were under his feet. 
Psalm 110:1.  ! Corinthians 15:25. 

At Pentecost the message from Peter focused on the prophet Joel's prophecy in the latter days God would pour out his Spirit on all people, both men and women. In verses 19, 20 the latter days also implies a catastrophe taking place in the heavens and on the earth before the day of the Lord when the Christ returns and everyone who calls on his name will be saved. 
Acts 1: 4
The Holy Spirit gave the Apostles the ability to speak the various languages of the people they met on the streets of Jerusalem.

Today the Holy Spirit gives the same gift to every Christian, but the gift often isn’t used.  The natural mind may find it a strange to speak words that we can’t understand. St Paul gives us insight into the ministry of this gift of speaking in tongues.

In Paul’s letter to the Romans he wrote, “Likewise the Spirit helps us in our weaknesses, for we do not know how to pray as we ought, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with sights too deep for words. And he who searches the hearts of men knows what is the mind of the Spirit, because the Spirit intercedes for the saints according to the will of God.” Romans 8: 26, 27.

When we are praying with or for someone who perhaps is sick or in trouble and we don’t know what to say, the Spirit will use the gift of speaking in tongues, giving us words which we may not understand, but we trust that it will be right according to God’s will.

Also in a meeting or a group the Holy Spirit will give a prophecy in tongues to someone. On this occasion the word needs to be interpreted, it may be interpreted by the same person who spoke in tongues or another person. He will give the gift of interpretation to benefit someone present. 1 Corinthians 14: 5, 13