Monday 18 April 2011

The Messiah’s Secret – The Sovereignty of God

In London on Friday the 29th April 2011 the flags will be flying and the bunting will be waving across streets and buildings. The crowds will be gathered on the pavements and around Westminster Abbey as the young couple Prince William and Catherine Middleton make there way there to be married.

On Palm Sunday the church celebrates the triumphant entry of Jesus into Jerusalem. The crowds had gathered along the road into Jerusalem waving their palm branches and laying them down before the donkey, paying homage to Jesus their King.

To make that celebration possible Jesus had to surrender his all to the work of God and that was in response to God his Father’s call on his life. Philippians 2: 5-11
We know that his calling, his mission was to die on a cross to bridge the gulf, the chasm between us and God, to unite us with God. If you can imagine the horizontal bar of the cross being a bridge between us and God. Through repentance and faith we cross the bridge to enter into God’s eternal kingdom.
Having received Jesus as our Saviour, so we enter into God’s sovereign call upon our lives.

Church Pastoral Aid Society Lent Course ‘Exploring God’s Call on our Life’ The course was led by Martin our Vicar and the local Superintendent Methodist Minister. On the first session we looked at the sovereignty of God on the life of Abraham.
Abraham believed and trusted God so therefore he responded to God’s call on his life, God spoke to Abraham saying, “Go from your country and your kindred and your father’s house to the land I will show you.” Genesis 12: 1.
The Methodist Minister shared a conversation that he had with his son about God being sovereign over his life. His son was taken-a-back by his words that God was first in his father’s life. His father explained to him that when he and his mum got married they agreed to put God first in their marriage as they both recognised the sovereignty of God over them. After further discussion his son understood.

Sovereignty of God over Jesus. As we read the Gospels we recognise the sovereignty of God over Jesus. For Jesus to fulfil his mission to go to the cross he had surrendered the riches of heaven, he became a servant and he surrendered his will to God.
Riches in Heaven Jesus pointed to the heavenly riches that last for an eternity which are the true riches: Wisdom, knowledge, faith, grace, love, liberty etc.
Jesus born into this world became one of us, but he taught his disciples and through them us, to abandon seeking material riches.
The rich young ruler came to him seeking how he might inherit eternal life. Jesus suggested to him that he should keep the commandments. The young man replied that he did keep them. Jesus looking upon him, loved him saying to him, “You lack one thing; go and sell and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; and come, follow me.” Mark 10: 17-21
The man turned away because he had many possessions. Jesus went on to say to his disciples how hard it was for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven. The disciples were amazed at his words. Jesus continued, “Children how hard it is for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God. It was easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle." verse 25. An entrance into Jerusalem was known as ‘the eye of a needle’ a fully laden camel could not go through this gate. Jesus was making the point that only the camel could enter through the gate. For us today the riches we store and carry about us have no value in the kingdom of God.
The disciples were astonished and said to him, “Who can be saved?” The disciples had given up their family life to follow Jesus.
Jesus went on to say that the Lord our God would bless them with the abundance of life in every aspect of their lives.
“”Jesus said, “Truly, I say to you, there is no one who has left house or brothers or sisters or mother or father or children or lands, for my sake and for the gospel, who will not receive a hundredfold now in this time, houses or brothers or sisters or mother or father or children or lands, with persecutions, and in the age to come eternal life.” Mark 10: 29, 30.
The Lord's call on Christian lives today to go where he would send us, is looked upon in love by Jesus, as this will bear the fruit of a surrendered life in Christ.

Jesus became the servant King Jesus had surrendered his expectations of being made the king of Israel during his ministry, as he knew that he had to die on the cross and be resurrected before he could take up the throne of King David. The high hopes of his disciples and followers of him being made the King of Israel were dashed as they did not know the scriptures that spoke of it that the Messiah had to die before he could redeem Israel.
Luke 24: 21
Even though on one occasion after the 5,000 the people had been miraculously fed with the loaves and fishes, the people there would have taken him by force to make him King. But Jesus withdrew himself to the mountain, to be on his own. John 6: 15.
If the people had carried out their plan to take Jesus by force to make him their king it would have been insurrection deposing the Sanhedrin, God’s ruling authority at Jerusalem.

To fulfil his calling Jesus surrendered his will in Gethsemane. After the Passover meal Jesus and his disciples went to the garden of Gethsemane. There he humbled himself and wrestled with his own will, he prayed,”Father, if thou art willing, remove this cup from me; nevertheless not my will but thine be done.”
Luke 22: 42
Jesus chose to do his Father’s will and that meant suffering at the hands of brutal men. They beat, flogged him and they pulled out his beard. Isaiah 50: 6.
The authorities treated him as an unbeliever, a sinner and a blasphemer.
But to God, every wince of Jesus pain was a flag of victory. Every mocking gesture was an, Alleluia, our God reigns.
At the cross Satan was bowing down to Jesus surrendering all his weapons that stood against us, all of creation and the universe.
“That at the name of Jesus every knee shall bow, in heaven and on the earth and under the earth, and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.” Philippians 2: 10, 11.
At the cross Jesus was being crowned with a crown of an indestructible life. God raised Jesus from the dead, his body being indestructible.

A Flag - Jesus Reigns We are his subjects, we bow to his name. Every generation of Christiains have to learn to surrender their all and take up the cross of Jesus’ suffering.
Surrender our all to Jesus. Knowing that Jesus has died for me and has saved me from eternal darkness, and from the distress at not knowing God. From having a constant conflict within myself over guilt and fears. From the worry over my family and their future. To surrender myself to put myself in the hands of God who loves and cares for me and all that is dear to me, yes I surrender my all, gladly. To go where he would send me by taking a step of faith has been an adventure. I have endured some persecution, but nothing compared to some Christians.

“For it has been granted to you that for the sake of Christ you should not only believe in him but also suffer for his sake.” Philippians 1: 29.
Paul also wrote in his letter to the Philippians that they should rejoice in their sufferings. “Rejoice in the Lord always; again I say, rejoice.” Philippians 4: 4.
A Flag - Faith Today when we are frowned on when we reveal that we are Christians, Rejoice.
A Flag – Love We rejoice as we stand alongside those who are suffering as a result of upholding Jesus’ name in the work place. Rejoice.
A Flag – Grace We rejoice when a person is miraculously healed or come to faith, we rejoice with them.
A Flag – Serving We rejoice when we are called to serve by visiting, or working or praying or contributing by giving money.

Every Christian will rejoice in experiencing suffering, as we are drawn closer to our Lord God and the love of Jesus.

Friday 8 April 2011

The Messiah's Secret - Faithful Relationships

Duck pond at the entrance to St. Mary’s on Mothering Sunday

In the picture below Joe Armstrong was about to catch the duckling that had leapt off the ledge of a building.
A few weeks ago whilst watching TV news, the BBC included an item that appears on ‘YouTube’ Joe Armstrong rescuing twelve ducklings from their nest off a ledge, that was just below his office window 5 mitres above the ground. Joe had been keeping an eye on the duck’s nest with its twelve eggs. The day the ducklings hatched mother duck flew down from the nest on to the pavement below leaving her ducklings pacing nervously on the edge of the ledge.
Joe rushed down on to the pavement and stood next to mother duck wondering what to do, when one of the ducklings leapt off the ledge and began plummeting straight down as it was unable to fly at a day old. Joe reached out and caught it. Then another one jumped, until eight ducklings were on the pavement next to their mum. The other four ducklings were removed from the ledge by using a ladder. When all twelve ducklings were safely on the pavement Joe and the crowd of well wishers guided the duck and her ducklings to the river.
Joe is reported as saying, “Oh we did it, man that was an ordeal, I can’t believe we did it, wow, we did it.”

This true story about Joe rescuing the ducklings reminded me of the faithfulness of God. Our Lord God watches over us giving us a helping hand when we take a leap of faith.

Faithful relationships is this years theme for the Mother’s Union.
The Mother's Union is an organisation that began in 1877 when Mary Sumner, a vicar’s wife, and by this time a grandmother, founded the organisation which was to become a worldwide body of 3.6 million members in seventy-nine countries. Her world was very different from the one we find today.
In 1851, Reverend George Sumner was given the living of Old Alresford, Hampshire. Mary dedicated herself to raising her children, and helping her husband in his ministry by providing music and Bible classes. In 1876, when her eldest daughter Margaret gave birth, Mary was reminded how difficult she had found the burden of motherhood. She was inspired to call a meeting of mothers in the parish to offer mutual support. Her plan was quite radical in it’s day, as it involved calling women of all social classes to support one another, and to see motherhood as a profession as important as those of men, if not more so. The first meeting was held in Old Alresford Rectory.
Today’s members are well aware that family life has changed over the years, and now there is a much broader level of membership, and care for members and their families, including divorced, separated and single women and men.

This years theme 'Faithful relationships' we are making the connection with people’s relationships that occur in the Bible and with Christian relationships today were we support one another through good times and bad times.

St. Mary's Players
We have all had or got a mother and the sketch gave us a Christian view of faith seen in our mother.
Sketch: Whilst mum was preparing the meal the members of the family arrived and on arrival they were asked the question by dad, "What is faith?" Each one in turn gave a word that in the end described faith in mum.
Mum is: truthful, honest, reliable, steadfast, loyalty, trustworthy and having assurance in.
If we put together these words with Peter’s words in his second letter Chapter 1 verses 1-8 and Hebrews Chapter 8 verse 10.
The seed of the word, Jesus, received by faith contains all the righteousness of God. The characteristics of faith in the divine nature of our Lord God: truth, honest, reliable, steadfast, loyal, trustworthy and having assurance in, virtue, perseverance, self-control, knowledge, Godliness, brother and sisterly affection with love, compassion, kindness and the commandments written in the heart.

We grow in faith gradually becoming more like Jesus. The Holy Spirit convicting us of our shortcomings. Maybe we find ourselves saying the things that result in us having a difference of opinion with some one.
A couple were travelling down a country road, not saying a word. An earlier discussion had lead them to an argument, and neither wanted to concede their position. As they passed a farmyard, in the yard there were pigs and donkeys. The husband said sarcastically to his wife, “Relatives of yours.” His wife replied, “Yep, in laws.”

The fruit of the seed of faith in Jesus we see in faithful relationships.
I see an example of faithful relationships when after the Ascension of Jesus the apostles, the women, Mary and Jesus’ brothers were gathered in the upper room in the house at Jerusalem. Acts 2: 12-14.
11 apostles, 10 women followers (Mary Magdalene, Mary mother of James and John, Salome, Joanne wife of Chuza, Herod’s steward, Susanna, Mary and Martha of Bethany, Mary mother of James the younger, Joses and Salome, Mary mother of James and Joseph, Mary the mother of Jesus her sister Mary, wife of Clopas,) (Not all of these women may have been there.)
Mary and Jesus’ brothers; James, Joseph, Simon and Judas. Jesus’ sisters are not present. Matthew 13; 55,56 Mary must have had at least 7 children.

I tried to imagine the scene in the upper room. Their expectation and excitement as Jesus had told them to wait in Jerusalem and pray for the coming of the Holy Spirit from Heaven and having the peace of the Lord in their heart, as they were now no longer afraid of the Pharisees knock at the door.
I would also think that they shared their meals together. It was customary for Jewish people to reminisce over meals.
At some point after Jesus’ resurrection Mary would have shared the story of Jesus’ birth with the believers. Remembering the day when the angel Gabriel visited, telling her that she had been chosen to bear the Son of God.

Joseph’s heart must have been broken when he heard that Mary was pregnant. The same as any man would feel today. But we can’t always see the whole picture, we jump to conclusions which often proves us to be wrong conclusions. Mary’s honesty had tested her relationship with Joseph. We know he considered ending their betrothal.

Mary must have known the pain that Joseph was suffering, but her loyalty to God made her faithful, reliable, truthful and trustworthy.
God comforted Joseph by giving him assurance in a dream, he was told by the angel that the baby was of God and that he should marry Mary and name the child Jesus.
Joseph and Mary’s relationship was restored.

I’m sure that everyone gathered around the table would have been eager to hear of Simeon’s prophecy to Joseph and Mary.
Joseph and Mary took Jesus when he was 6 weeks old to be presented at the temple. On arrival in the temple, Simeon saw them and immediately went up to them and took Jesus into his arms and blessed him, prophesying over him. He declared him to be the Christ and Saviour of Israel and also of the Gentiles.

Then Simeon spoke directly to Mary giving her a prophecy that her Son would bring to pass the ‘Fall and rising’ of many in Israel and a sword would pierce her own heart.

How relevant it would have been if she shared it with the apostles and followers at that time so soon after it had been fulfilled.

The Fall and Rising.
The Fall
It had been apparent that the disciples James and John had desired to sit one on Jesus left and the other on his right in his kingdom. This would indicate that they expected Jesus to be their King.
How their hopes were dashed when Jesus was arrested and brought to trial and then crucified by the Romans. The disciples fall from the height of expectation of Jesus being the King of Israel to the anguish of the cross his suffering and death.
Mary with some of the other women and John the disciple were at the cross. Mary would have suffered as most mothers would, at seeing her Son going through an agonising death. She surely would have remembered Simeon’s prophecy to her, ‘A sword would pierce her heart.’
Mary perhaps didn’t recognise at the time the significance of Jesus’ death he died to save the whole of humanity.

Mother duck needed the help of Joe Armstrong to enable her ducklings to survive the fall from off the ledge; otherwise they would have suffered and died on the pavement.

Jesus has saved us; otherwise we were heading for destruction and death. We are saved through faith in Jesus; he has touched our hearts with his love for us. His arms outstretched to embrace us.
Just as God raised Jesus from the dead, so we are raised up with him, from death to life eternal.

The Rising Jesus being raised from the dead surely must have filled the disciples with joy and amazement. For 6 weeks he was with them teaching the things concerning the kingdom of God.
God is faithful Jesus had told them that he would send the Holy Spirit to comfort them. They waited and prayed for only 10 days in the upper room, when he came, the sound of a mighty rushing wind filled the whole house and they were too filled with the Holy Spirit.
Ever since that day the Holy Spirit has been filling people’s hearts and lives.

So as we sit quietly and sing ‘Come breath of life come sweeping through us fill our hearts with life and power, O Breath of Life, come cleanse renew us . . . . O Breath of Love, come breathe within us renewing thought and will and heart . . . O Wind of God, come bend us, break us till humbly we confess our need; then in your tenderness remake us, revive, restore for this we plead. MP 488

After the Hymn has finished a prayer for the sealing of the Holy Spirit in the lives of those present.

Tuesday 5 April 2011

The Messiah's Secret - Jesus the Light of the World

Miriam, who had started to come to church, asked me, “How do I talk to God? How do you pray? Do you say your prayers like the ones on the service sheet?” “No,” I said, “When I pray I talk to God like I’m talking to you.” Not long afterwards she told me that she understood about prayer, she said, it was like scales falling from her eyes. The eyes of her understanding had been fully opened.

John the apostle recorded Jesus healing a man of his blindness; this man had been blind from birth. When his neighbours found out that he had been healed, they went with him to the Pharisees to give testimony of his healing and to offer thanksgiving to God. The response from the Pharisees when they heard, they criticised Jesus calling him a sinner for healing on the Sabbath Day.
In verse 18 we read that the Jews did not believe that the man had been blind at all. They knew of no one born blind being healed. They called his parents and questioned them, but their response did not satisfy the Pharisees. They questioned the man for a second time, he challenged them claiming if God were not with this man, he could do nothing; the Pharisees refused to believe and threw him out.
Jesus heard that he had been cast out, so he went to the man and asked him, “Did he believe in the Son of man?” The Son of man one of the names associated with the Messiah. The man replied, “And who is he, sir, that I might believe in him?” Jesus identifies himself as the Son of man. The man acknowledged Jesus, “Lord, I believe” and worshipped him. John 9: 1-38 Mark 1: 44.

The Pharasees did not discern this miracle was of God. In verses 39-41 Jesus pointed to the Day of Judgement when those like the Pharisees who had the knowledge, the oversight of the scriptures were accountable to God would be answerable to Jesus as God has given judgement to his Son. John 5: 22.
Matthew Henry in his concordance wrote, “The Pharisees gloried in that they weren’t blind, they saw with their own eyes and relied upon their own ability for their guidance.”

Let your light shine
In Paul’s letter to the Ephesians he advises every Christian to walk in the light, in the knowledge of Jesus Christ so that our deeds are pleasing to God. Ephesians 5: 8-10

Composition of Light – ‘Chemistry of the Blood’ Chapter 4 Chemistry of Light by Dr DeHaan
Light rays can be seen as shafts of light streaming through the clouds, seen, but not felt.
Heat rays are felt, but not seen. Chemical rays are invisible they can neither be seen nor felt.

Jesus in him there is no darkness at all; he is the lamp light of the world. His light reveals our creator God through his words. The words of Jesus are a lamp to our feet and a light to our path. Psalm 119: 105.

Jesus’ words have been recorded in the Gospels and Letters they give people from all walks of life an opportunity to make a choice to believe or not to believe on the evidence in the writings.
Even though written 2,000 years ago, the recorded evidence takes on sight, inwardly in our soul/spirit. The words of Jesus are living words and eternal. The parable of the sower shows us that the sower sowed the word and the word is received by faith. Mark 4:14, 20

The fruit of light is found in all that is good and right. Ephesians 5: 9
.Abraham believed God and it was counted as righteousness. Genesis 15: 6. Romans 9: 30.
The seed of the word, received by faith contains all the righteousness of God. Characteristics and attributes of faith in the divine nature of our Lord God: truth, honesty, loyalty, trust, perseverance, and assurance in, commandments, virtue, self-control, knowledge, steadfastness, Godliness, brother and sisterly affection with love, compassion and kindness. 2 Peter 1: 5-8
Our deeds are brought to the light at the Judgement Seat of Christ. 2 Corinthians 5: 10. Romans 14: 10. We come before Jesus for rewards not punishment. Our deeds that were worldly will be burnt up and only the deeds of faith are seen like gem stones and are rewarded. 1 Corinthians 3: 12.

We reign with Christ in the heavenly Jerusalem.
Abraham looked for a city whose founder and maker is God. Hebrews 11: 10
John the apostle saw the heavenly city Jerusalem and described its appearance as a jewelled city.
“And in the Spirit he carried me away to a great, high mountain, and showed me the holy city Jerusalem coming down out of heaven from God, having the glory of God, its radiance like a most rare jewel, like jasper, clear as crystal. It had a great high wall, with twelve gates, and at the gates twelve angels, and on the gates the names of the twelve tribes of the sons of Israel was inscribed; on the east three gates, on the north three gates, on the south three gates, and on the west three gates. And the wall of the city had twelve foundations, and on them the twelve names of the twelve apostles of the Lamb.” Revelation 21: 10-14

The twelve gates bearing the names of the tribes of Israel. On the high priest’s breast plate were the names and gem stones of the tribes. Exodus 39: 14.
The breastplate was covering the heart, worn close to the heart signifying how precious the tribes, the sons of Jacob were to God. ”So Aaron shall bear the names of the sons of Israel in the breastpiece of judgment upon his heart, when he goes into the holy place, to bring them to continual remembrance before the Lord.” Exodus 28: 29.

“And the wall of the city had twelve foundations, and on them the twelve names of the twelve apostles of the Lamb.” Revelation 21: 14.
“The foundations of the city were adorned with every jewel; the first was jasper, the second sapphire, the third agate, the fourth emerald, the fifth onyx, the sixth carnelian, the seventh chrysolite, the eight beryl, the ninth topaz, the tenth chrysprase, the eleventh jacinth, the twelfth amethyst.” Revelation 21: 19.
Jesus said that the twelve disciples would sit on twelve thrones judging the twelve tribes of Israel.
Three gates on each of the walls, “The wall was built of jasper, while the city was of pure gold, clear as glass.” verse 18

The twelve gates made of twelve pearls.” And the twelve gates were twelve pearls, each gate made of a single pearl.” verse 21
Under law the Jews were forbidden to eat shell fish, therefore it must be under the grace of the new covenant for the gates to be made of pearl and have the names of the twelve tribes inscribed on them. Leviticus 11: 9-12. Deuteronomy 14: 9, 10.
The pearl is known as ‘The Pearl of Salvation’ to understand its meaning we look to how a pearl is produced; it is after an oyster’s shell is damaged, as a result a parasite enters the shell, this parasite would destroy the oyster. However the oyster sends to the parasite a solution ‘Mother of Pearl’ that covers it and the interior of its shell. After a period of time the solution builds on the parasite and forms the pearl. (In cultivated pearls a grain of sand is inserted into the oyster’s shell, which irritates the oyster. It sends the mother of pearl solution in the same way to the grain of sand which eventually forms the pearl.)

Pearl of Salvation
When we look at this process spiritually; the parasite is sin, the solution is the blood of Jesus for forgiveness of sin, which takes place within the darkness of the shell. The shell is opened to reveal the pearl and this is symbolic of the resurrection and Jesus’ victory over sin and death.

Entrance into the heavenly city through the Pearl of Salvation.
In the heavenly city the gates are the twelve tribes no longer under law but under grace.
The disciples all Jewish men were setting up the kingdom of God at the beginning of acts in anticipation of Jesus’ return with the angels of God. They were given the task of making Christ known as the promised Messiah, it was a national calling. Peter addressed the crowd at Pentecost, “Men of Judea . . . . Men of Israel . . . Brethren, I say to you confidently of the patriarch David . . . “First to the Jews and then to the Gentiles. Acts 2: 14, 22, 29.

Paul wrote to the church at Ephesus that it was God’s plan to unite Jew and Gentile into one body and one Spirit.
”So then you are no longer strangers and sojourners, but you are fellow citizens with the saints and members of the household of God, built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets.” Ephesians 2:18-20

Jesus founded the church through the apostles, they witnessed to the death and resurrection of Jesus. They proved through the prophetic writings of the prophets that Jesus was the promised Messiah. The Holy Spirit gave them direction, guidance and gave testimony to Jesus, by signs following the word.
The Jerusalem church put in place the structure of leadership; Bishops, Deacons and Elders.
(See blog The Messiah’s Secret – The Way)

The prophecy of the out pouring of the Holy Spirit at the Feast of Tabernacles.
“The Day of the Great Hosanna” The Gospel in the Feasts of Israel by Victor Buksbazen.
“The ritual of water pouring lasted six days, climaxing on the seventh day, which concluded the Feast of Tabernacles. This day was called Hoshana Rabba, The Day of the Great Hosanna. It had special messianic significance. . . . the pouring of water from the Pool of Siloam into the altar basin, the blasting of trumpets by the priests, the singing of Psalms by the Levites, and the prayers of the people, “Save now, I beseech thee, O Lord,” when the Messianic fever was at its highest pitch, that the Lord Jesus Christ stood in the temple crying: “If any man thirst let him come to me and drink. He that believeth in me, as the scripture hath said, out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water.” John7: 38. “What our Saviour said by implication was: “I am the answer to your prayers.”

The Permanent Light of the Heavenly City Jerusalem.
In the first and second temples at Jerusalem the temple were permanently lit using olive oil.
In 163BC the temple was desecrated by Antiochus Epiphanes he had pigs sacrificed on the altar.
After the Jewish revolt led by Mattathias Maccabee the temple was re-dedicated. In the temple they found a jar of cruise oil which was used in the temple for the permanent light. This jar contained only enough oil to last one night, by a miracle the oil lasted for eight days. The Feast of Dedication ‘Hanukkah’ in December celebrates this event.
The church celebrates Jesus the light of the world coming into the world, his birth in December.

The Feast of Tabernacles is also a celebration of light. The temple was filled with light.
The Gospel in the Feasts of Israel by Victor Buksbazen. ‘Temple Lights and the Light of the World.’
“Another central feature of the Feast of Tabernacles was the illumination of the temple in Jerusalem. The festive pilgrims came to the temple bearing lights and torches; while in the temple itself the golden candlesticks were lighted, transforming the temple into one brilliant focus of light which illuminated most of Jerusalem and surroundings. What an eloquent symbol of the Sanctuary of God which was to be a light of the world. Amidst all this splendour and the brilliant lights in the temple, our Saviour stood proclaiming: “I am the light of the world.”

The eternal light of Christ is in every believer.
I’ve seen the light of Christ shining in Christians on a number of occasions: In my twenties I saw the light of Christ in a young man who today would be described as having learning difficulties. It was lunch time and my sister and I were passing through a room where this young man was sat reading. We asked him what he was reading. He looked up and said that he was reading his Bible and began to quote from what he was reading; as soon as he spoke I saw his face was glowing in the light of Christ.
On another occasion I was at a church function the room well lit and full of people. I happened to look across the room and saw around the head of Ron Freeman our Vicar, a halo around his head and in the light the word ‘love.’
On another occasion a lady came to my market stall as we conversed she told me that she was a Christian as soon as she started to tell me this her face shone with the light of Christ.

The prophecy of Joel gives a clear indication that the created light will falter.
“The sun will be turned into darkness and the moon into blood, before the day of the Lord comes, the great and manifest day.” Acts 2: 20
The prophet Isaiah wrote, “For the stars of the heavens and their constellations will not give their light; the sun will be dark at its rising and the moon will not shed its light.” Isaiah 13: 10.
“Jesus said, “But in these days after the tribulation, the sun will be darkened, and the moon will not give its light and the stars will be falling from heaven, and the powers in the heavens will be shaken.” Mark 13: 24, 25.
These are future prophesies, and other prophesies have yet to be fulfilled before the heavenly Jerusalem comes from heaven to the new earth.

The eternal light of God will light up the eternal city.
“And I saw no temple in the city, for its temple is the Lord God Almighty and the Lamb. And the city has no need of sun or moon to shine upon it, for the glory of the Lord is its light, and its lamp is the Lamb. By its light the nations will walk; and the kings of the earth shall bring their glory into it.” Revelation 21: 22-24.

The church reigns with Christ in the heavenly Jerusalem.
“And night shall be no more; they need no light of lamp or sun, for the Lord God will be their light, and they shall reign for ever and ever.” Revelation 22: 5.